Who Am I?

The fact that you are reading this means that at some level, you are interested in what I have to say. (Or you are grading my blog.) Bear in mind as you read this blog that these are my opinions, laid out for you, on the world wide web. Feel free to respond and comment, because I want to learn about the reactions of others as much as I hope people learn from me. Blogging is a unique experience that has become available only recently, so let’s keep the development of an amazing new technology going and expanding. From ideas and personal experiences, to knowledge, actions, and interactions, blogging is a modern phenomenon that links people through common ideologies.

Hello, my name is Laura Margaret Johnson and I am a freshman at the University of Oregon this year. I am interested in Mass Media, because I hope to use it as a part of my future career. I believe the importance of the media cannot be overstated because of it’s influence everyday, all around us. I signed up to take Mass Media and Society with Tiffany Derville Gallicano for that reason, because the constitutionally protected freedom of speech in our country is unparalleled, and I want to know why and how that is possible. Part of process of exploration is to begin keeping a blog of assigned class topics. I will be addressing topics ranging from the negative effects of mass mediums to the effects of humor in advertising. In addition, I hope to delve deeper into the process by meeting and connecting to others based on our similarities and/or differences.

To begin with, I think it is important for my readers to know a little more about who I am and why you might care about what I have to say. I was raised in Yankton, South Dakota, a wonderful town located in the heart of the United States of America. I have three sisters, a mother, a father, a cat named Miss Molly, and a Pomeranian named Cujo. My interests include art, music, dance, travel, politics, nature, and many more, (but I don’t want to bore you.) I am excited to be living and experiencing a new life here in Eugene, Oregon. It is from here that I expect to develop the person I will be for the rest of my life, and it is from here I hope to pursue a path that leads me to accomplishments and new knowlege. You may wonder why I chose to move from South Dakota to Oregon, well I will say that it was my parents constant support and encouragement that gave me, in my mom’s words “Roots to come home, and wings to take me anywhere.” Thank you for reading and enjoy.


Laura Margaret Johnson

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